Burnt Oak Primary School

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Richmond Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 1LS


01634 334344

Burnt Oak Primary School


  1. Curriculum
  2. Assessment


We have a rigorous and shared understanding of all aspects of assessment.  Our approach to assessment is at the heart of high quality teaching and learning, inclusive of all abilities, and is used diagnostically for early and accurate identification of pupils' needs, tailored support and intervention.

Our assessment framework for teaching, learning and assessment, recognises and celebrates learning as a journey. The assessment includes short, discrete , qualitative and concrete descriptions of what each pupil is expected to know and be able to do.  We focus on making learning and progress visible through daily conversations and interactions with pupils, that actively promote self/peer evaluation and reflection, looking beyond knowledge and understanding to include skills, attitudes and capabilities.  We combine formative and summative assessments, using evidence accumulated from day to day teaching and learning, to provide rich evidence over time for our assessment judgements.  We ensure assessments are fair, reliable and valid through ongoing internal and external moderation.

Methods for assessment are adapted, to ensure every pupil meets or exceeds expectations, but also so that pupils identified as vulnerable, with SEN or with disabilities are making good progress and are challenged appropriately.

Parents are very welcome in school and we aim to involve them with their children's education as much as possible. Parent consultation meetings take place in the Autumn and Spring term.  In addition to this, parents can also arrange appointments to meet with the class teacher and or the Headteacher. At the end of each year, parents receive rich and detailed academic reports on their child's progress, recognising achievements and identifying next steps in their learning.

Our use of assessment aims to inspire the belief that through greater effort, hard work and practice, more can be achieved.